Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It ………

I have been tagged by the very lovely Jeri over at The Life and Times of JVS and the rules are:

At your perfect dinner party you can invite;
5 guests + yourself, relatives allowed but it’s more interesting if it’s a public figure.
Dead or Alive
Any language.
Fictional characters allowed!

Ideally my dinner party guests would include all of you and copious amounts of cocktails – what an evening that would be and you wouldn’t want to pay that bar bill either! However, as we are spread throughout the world I think it is highly unlikely, so here are my second choices:

Alan Carr – camp comedian who’s a little bit naughty with a wicked sense of humour, not unlike myself!

Adele – Not only does she write and sing kick-ass songs but she made a fortune out of the jerk that dumped her – think there may be a lesson there for me!

Dame Edna – well we’d need someone with good taste and a sense of decorum!

Ricky Gervais – brilliant performer and his laugh is soooo infectious!

And finally you can never have enough Dolly!

So now I hand the baton across to: elladee, cocoaupnorth and No Holds Barred

And last but by no means least eyesOfOdysseus

May your day be filled with sunshine and smiles.

50 thoughts on “Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It ………

    • Awards and tags are lovely but do require a lot of work and alongside everything else sometimes its just not possible and yet you don’t want to offend anyone – I do have some other nominations to catch up on so let me know if you can think of anyone that would benefit from an award.


  1. Can see that you’re going to get a very interesting and funny evening . Some party coming up.
    How would I invite ???
    Victor Borge – Greta Garbo – Björn Borg – Gordon Ramsey – Seal


  2. JUDI DENCH, of course, just because, and MERYL (can you imagine those two in the same room, what fun!), PAUL NEWMAN (who started a food company and gave all the after tax profits to charity), ALICE WATERS (the great restauranteur that started the whole school garden movement in the U.S.) ROBERT REDFORD (great environmentalist), Former U.S. Attorney General RAMSEY CLARK (U.S. Government whistleblower who tells the truth), and okay, BJORN BORG. That’s two over, sorry. 😉


  3. Sounds like fun. I’m in but so long as I can come to your perfect dinner party… [I’m away for a few days, but I’ll put my thinking cap on and this exercise will be the next post cab off my rank] 🙂


  4. Tink…The Dame and Dolly are inspired. Those broads would get along famously. And throw Ricky and Alan in the mix and I’d spend more time spitting out my drinks than swallowing them. But then Adele to the rescue. OOOOOh…A Dolly and Adele Duet for dessert? With more cocktails of course.


  5. im late on this and i know you can only tag five other bloggers..but id love to get your honorary “sixth” person that has to undertake this bout it??? i guess i could always just go ahead and set this up for myself, but ii almost feel like a tag from you would make it real….
    thanks in advance!!


  6. Pingback: come over for a barbie, mate… | elladee_words

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